July 7th, 2020
Mortal shell is a Dark Souls based game. Which means that it is incredibly difficult and tough game where you will die again and again. It punishes you for the smallest mistake you make and makes you redo whole parts of the levels. Read on to find out if this game can rival Dark Souls.
The story The game starts with you waking up in a mysterious water dungeon. You have no shield, hence the shell name in the title, and no weapon. The only thing you can do is harden your skin, with this you can block attacks. Furthermore, nothing is actually known about the story. Obviously, just like in Dark souls, they will make the story clear in small pieces. Not by means of cutscenes but by means of small memos that will not be told chronologically.
The gameplay The gameplay is tough, scary, and you will be afraid of running into enemies. Because oh my god you will often die. The enemies are very strong at first and you will feel like you are completely weak. But as the game progresses you will beat those same enemies at your leisure. The gameplay is actually very simple as you only have a light and heavy attack and to block you do your shel hardening. Sounds easy but at the same time it is very difficult. There is also a parry option, however the timing of this differs per enemy and not always easy to gauge.
The conclusion Mortal Shell has a lot of potential to fill the Dark Souls gap. Darks souls game has a very large fan base and for the time being Elden Ring and the demon souls remake are not yet coming, so everyone can enjoy this game that will be released in 2020. Do you like Dark Souls then this is highly recommended.